Thursday, December 2, 2010

oral presentation

well im not sure as of what im going to do for my presentation as of yet. I guess I will work on it over the weekend. I can tell ya'll this though, that my presentation will be amazing. Im going to use this time in lab today to find a clip or picture to help the class better understand my country!!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the start of my draft

Lavaisha Moore
Eng 101
Paper # 2
Images of War
Anthony Swofford writes “Vietnam war films are all pro-war, no matter what the supposed message” and I agree with him, however different people inturpit things differently. Some people would agree with him and some people would disagree with him.
I think what makes images pro-war are when the images show soldiers smiling and enjoying themselves like they are in a secret brotherhood. I also think showing images of our soldiers killing from the other army and making it look so simply and easy. Another way that images are seen as pro-war is when people see images of soldiers holding an American flag because that makes a lot of people feel patriotic and want to fight for their country.
Images that are seen as anti-war are usually the images that actually factual. Images such as babies that are burned and dead are the main pictures that are seen as anti-war. Images of non soldier men and women being killed for no other reason except for the army’s body count can also be seen from an anti-war perspective. More anti-war images include whole villages being bombed and shot up. When people see these types of images they feel sad and make them feel like America have no shame in the things they are doing to these innocent people.
I think what shapes the way individual viewers are likely to respond to images of war, are the way they were raised or their personal beliefs. If a person was raised with family and friends whom promoted or supported former wars and soldiers, than that person is more likely to view images of war are pro-war perspective. On the contrast if a person wasn’t raised that way then they are probably going to view the images in an anti-war perspective. In the story On The Rainy River Tim O’Brien said “ I feared losing the respect of my family. I feared the law. I feared ridicule and censure. My home town was a conservative little spot on the prairie, a place where tradition counted, and it was easy to imagine people sitting around the a table down at the Old Gobbler CafĂ© on Main Street, cups poised, the conversation slowly zeroing on the O’Brien kid, how the damned sissy had taken off for Canada” ( Tim O’Brien, On The Rainy pg.45). In this story the young man was drafted to war and didn’t want to go, however I feel it is a great example of how a person up bringing can influence their out look on war and images of war. This man didn’t want to go to war but feared how he would be looked upon by his family and friends, therefore he went. I think many people would view images of war in an anti-war perspective but some how feared how they will be looked upon if they disagree with the majority.

The impact of images are always going to be different when you see images of war and suffering on the news, documentaries and fictional films. In fictional films, American soldiers are always seen or displayed as heroes or patriots. However on the contrast in documentaries, Americans soldiers are usually seen as terrible people. When it comes to how images from the news impact people, it can go either way because the news sometimes don’t give enough information for a person to really have an impact from the images.
Since I wasn’t around when the Vietnam war going on, and the only way I can judge the war is by are the images and those images lead me to believe that the war was terrible and grucial. The different images of the Vietnam war shaped the way the war was seen because people seen pictures on innocent people being killed. These images have gave the Vietnam war a bad name even if the soldiers were fighting for a good cause.
I personally think that the only time it is ethical to show graphic images of war and suffering is when a individual person decides to look at those images. I don’t think that these images should be all over the media because they are to gruesome. I don’t think that anyone has the right to decide what images are shown to other people. I think as an American citizen a person should have the freedom to look at what they please however they shouldn’t show other people.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the start of my rough draft of the power analysis

Lavaisha Moore
SSH 102
Paper # 2

The country that I am researching is Jamaica during world war 2. A lot was going on during this time in Jamaica and the United States. Since the United Sates were at war during this time they were very strict about who they would let into the country as an immigrant.
During World War 2 and about a decade after natives of Jamaica were leaving the island for a better living in the United States or Britain. The reason for this was because in Jamaica the average citizen didn’t have much money, if any at all and the job market was very scarce. Basically you didn’t have any means of living or power if you weren’t part of the government, owned a bank or owned a private company, such as a store or factory. It is like a big circle of power because the banks and government worked hand and hand and if you wanted to start your own business you had to get approval from the government to build and most likely borrow a loan from the bank. Therefore the government and banks held the power in Jamaica. The relationship that Jamaica government has with the United States is that they joined the United Nation on September 18, 1962, according to the United Nations website.
            The group of people that had the least power in Jamaica post World War 2 is the average citizen. The average citizen basically didn’t have any rights of say so in Jamaica.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1) Tell me who the players are. What groups of people or individuals in both countries are using their power, or responding to power? What did they do? Be specific, ie 'industrial workers in Chicago," not "the average person"; "they had a sit-down strike," not "they protested.") 

The key players in the United States during and after the ww2 are the president and the government. The U.S. government is using it's power at the the time to deny or chose which immigrants can enter the u.s.

2) Tell me the key things that were going on between the United States and your country during the time you're going to write about. Try to be as specific as you can with dates and events. 

During this time the war was going

more of my bibliography

1. Race and Color: Jamaican Migrants in London and New York City
Nancy Foner
International Migration Review
Vol. 19, No. 4 (Winter, 1985), pp. 708-727
This article explores the significance of race among Jamaicans in New York City and London. What it means to be a black Jamaican, it is argued, depends on the racial context of the receiving area. Although in the United States and Britain Jamaicans face racial prejudice and discrimination, there are advantages to living in New York. Being part of the larger black population cushions Jamaican migrants in New York from some of the sting of racial prejudice and provides them with easier access to certain occupations and social institutions.

2.Law and Contemporary Problems
Vol. 21, No. 2, Immigration (Spring, 1956), pp. 382-400
this article is about the law that was started to choose which immigrants were allowed in the united states and the rules of selecting the immigrants during and after world war 2. Franklin D Roosevelt was president at the time and he allowed to men named McCarren and Walters start this law.

3..Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Vol. 533, Trends in U. S.-Caribbean Relations (May, 1994), pp. 48-69
Emphasis is on the five major insular migrations arriving in the United States during this century: Cubans, Dominicans, Haitians, Jamaicans, and Puerto Ricans. This article also discuss the treaties and laws of immigration during and post world war 2 in the United states.

4.Oral History
Vol. 30, No. 2, Living with the Past (Autumn, 2002), pp. 49-59
Published by: Oral History Society
The memories of family and community in the childhood of Jamaican-born migrants to Britain and North America. This article discuss why these immigrants chose to migrate to the U.S. instead of Britian in the post world war 2.

Effects of the Immigration Act of 1965 on Selected Population Characteristics of Immigrants to the United States
Charles B. Keely
Vol. 8, No. 2 (May, 1971), pp. 157-169
Recent changes in immigration law have affected the characteristics of immigrants coming to the United States. The major changes in immigration policy contained in the 1965 Immigration Act, which amended the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

research/ bibliography

While reseaching on the country of Jamaica for my research paper i found that Jstor was the most helpful. Jstor was very easy to function and also Jstor has the option to email the web page and the citations to your self. I also found some great culture and history about jamaica on google scholar, the information included pictures and very deep facts that I never knew.
I find the country of Jamaica very interesting because its so close to the U.S. and also there are so many immigrants from Jamaica leaving here in America.

My bibliography

1. Title:  Recapturing Distant Caribbean Childhoods and Communities: The Shaping of
the Memories of Jamaican Migrants in Britain and North America
Author(s):  Paul Thompson; Elaine Bauer
Source:  Oral History, Vol. 30, No. 2, Living with the Past  (Autumn, 2002), pp.

This article was about natives of Jamaica migranting to the U.S. I found this sorce on Jstor.

2.Title:  Population Mobility and the Survival of Small Farming in the Rio Grande
Valley, Jamaica
Author(s):  Amani Ishemo; Hugh Semple; Elizabeth Thomas-Hope
Source:  The Geographical Journal, Vol. 172, No. 4  (Dec., 2006), pp. 318-330
Publisher(s): Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society
(with the Institute of British Geographers)

This article is about the effect that the U.S. has on farming in jamacia. I also found this sorce on Jstor to.

I really wanted to use Jamaica as my country however im having a hard time finding a time period and topic i would like to focus on. I will be changing my country to Korea probably. Im very confused and need to find a country soon because I need to get started on this paper ASAP.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

hearts and minds

In the film Hearts and Minds a lot of the footage was to drastic for me. Being that I am very anti war, I can't believe people can be so heart less and hurt women and children. The voices that were most important to me are the voices of the civilians. I feel their voices are the important because they are in the middle of a war that they have no part of but the war is ruining their lives and land. I found the mass grave site very disturbing the way they had all those graves already dug and awaiting dead bodies as if they knew their people were going to die.
I think its not right how they exposed the Vietnam people in the films and photos. However on the other hand i feel that America needed to see the damage they were doing to Vietnam so people in America can try to stop it. I also believe that is why  president Bush didn't expose what was going on in the war on Iraq, because he knew that it would cause outrage with anti war groups in America.
I believe that the ideology of power led the United States into war with Vietnam. I feel that America wants every other country to believe that America is the most powerful country. I also feel that America think they can go to other countries and destroy land and then take it over. Basically America need to mind their business in cases where America isn't involved.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

china, jamaica,india

I am very undecided about what country I would like to choose. It is either between Jamaica, India or China. I dont know much about these countries but I'm willing to do research to find out about their history with America.
now that I looked up these countries I think I might choose jamaica. I am not sure what time period I would like to use for my research paper.

Why are you interested in this country and its relationship with the U.S.?

I find this country interesting for two reaons. One being, 1.5 million people from the U.S. visits there every year. Second reason would be that between 1518 and 1870 Jamaica had a huge slave trade going on. I find both af thes time periods very interesting.

Talk about what you noticed in your Wikipedia entry. What kind of information was your Wikipedia entry good at providing? What information did it have that wouldn’t be useful? What doesn’t it tell you that you’ll want to find out?
I noticed that wikipedia has a lot of information, however alot of it wasnt as useful such as the sports they play in jamaica.

How do you think have people from this country and the U.S. come into contact with each other: through immigration, migration, war, cultural exchange, economic exchange, or something else?
I think people from Jamaica comes into contact with the U.S.through immigration, tourism, economic exchange and cultural exchange through music.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sad Lucy?

In Lucy Jamaica Kincaid, the way Lucy describe her first impressions of her arrival in the United States is very descriptive. When she arrived in the United States it was the middle of January and it was a cold gray black night. As she was driving to her destination someone would point out famous land marks to her. Lucy said that before arriving here that when she thought of those places they made her happy and would always bring her out of sadness. However Lucy says that once she see the places they look ordinary, dirty and worn down from so many people. Lucy also said that this was not her first bout with disappointment of reality and it wouldn't be her last. When arriving at her destination Lucy rides and elevator for the first in her life. Lucy also compares her home in Jamaica to her home in the United States, in Jamaica she lives in a house were as now in the United States she is staying in an apartment. Also she realized that in Jamaica she didn’t have a refrigerator and now she was sitting at a table eating left over food from the day before that just came out of the refrigerator. Lucy said that everything she was experiencing was such a good idea that she could imagine she would grow used to and even like it. She says when she fell asleep it was not because she comfortable but because she couldn’t handle to take anything else in. The next day when Lucy got dressed to leave the apartment she realized she was not in the tropical climate anymore because she thought just because the sun was shining that it was warm outside and she hard a rude awaking when it was very cold outside.
                 I would describe Lucy's first impressions of the United States depressing however rather normal feeling of an immigrant. Most immigrant stories that I have heard were greatly like Lucy's story. Before arriving here most immigrants imagine the United States as this great land of freedom and riches, however when they arrive here they are overcome with reality that the United States is just another place that you have to work hard for what you want in life and being that they are immigrant they have to work ever harder.